seashore during golden hour

Finding Joy and Happiness in Life

Life truly is beautiful!

What if you don’t feel like it is? What if you can’t see the beauty amidst the trials and struggles of life? How can we have a life full of joy when there are so many overwhelming trials? How can we find greater joy and happiness in life? We are each one of God’s greatest creations. He loves each one of us more that we can even imagine. He intends for us to have a life full of joy and happiness. Here are a few ideas that can help us!


When you lift a pebble up to your eye it looks massive but when you drop it onto the ground it can be seen in the proper perspective. We can do the same with our trials. Some of our trials in life will be incredibly difficult and will be with us throughout our lives but we can choose how we react and view them. We can choose to not let them overwhelm and consume us. We can choose not to allow them to overtake our vision of life. When we focus on our hardships, we deprive ourselves of joy, energy, and the beauties of life. As we keep perspective and look at our struggles from a distance, we can have more joy and happiness in our lives.

closeup photography of glass on top of wood branch

Choose to see them as Growth Opportunities

God allows us to have trials so that we can learn and grow and choose to draw closer to Him. When we look at the difficulties of life with this new perspective and look to God for strength, we can find joy in life amidst our circumstances. Our circumstances are just events, they do not define us. Do not let them consume you. We can choose to be like a rock that sinks in despair or like a cork that rises to the top and overcomes the obstacle. As we turn to God with faith, he will help lift and carry our burdens.

You have a divine purpose here in life. We were not put here just to seek pleasure but to learn and grow, to help others, and to choose to follow God. Turn to Him and willingly allow Him to lead you through your growth experiences. You may be hesitant and unwilling at first, but as you trust in the Lord and have your heart and mind centered on His will, you will find greater peace and happiness while you continue to grow through your experiences. Having agency doesn’t mean getting what you want. It means that you have the choice to follow the inspiration the Lord gives you. If you allow Him to lead you, He will help you grow to who He intends for you to be.

Be Grateful

Even in the midst of adversity we can count the many blessings all around us. A child’s laugh, a warm blanket, the rain, the sun, a beautiful sunrise, a good friend, a loving family member, look for the blessings all around you. Be like a child who finds joy and solutions to challenges. Make the most of what you do have and don’t dwell on what you don’t have. When someone is blind, that person often has a greater sense of hearing and touch. Try to look for the compensating blessings and you will feel more joy and happiness in your life.

four boy playing ball on green grass

Attempt to be Creative

Expressing ourselves in creative ways develops talents and creates a spark and zest for life. Take a class and learn new things. Being creative with others can dispel loneliness and heartache. Step outside your comfort zone and try something new. Investing time this way is a form of self-care. It doesn’t have to cost much. Checking out books from the library or watching You tube videos are a great way to start learning.

girl with paint of body

Willingly Serve Others

God watches over us, but it is usually through the hands of another that he meets our needs. Be the Lord’s hands in serving someone else. We can all serve in small and simple ways. Pray to know who the Lord would have you reach out to. Do it daily. It can be as small as a phone call or smiling at everyone around you.

You will see an amazing difference in your life as you strive to have a heartfelt desire to serve others. Even if you are hesitant and anxious, smart in small ways to serve. I have noticed in my life that when I take the time to serve someone else, either an individual or a group of people, I learn more about their lives and their situations, and my perspective and view of my own situation changes. My compassion and love for them grows and my own burdens feel lighter.

two man laughing at each other

Turn to God

Every difficulty in life can by turned into a growth experience if we allow the Lord to help us. As we ponder the scriptures, pray with faith, love and serve others, are more grateful, and serve and smile more. Sadness does end. Happiness can continue forever. Remember that your challenges are temporary and do not allow them to take over your life. Be patient and remember that God loves you and that He is aware of you.

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