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Creating a Faith Centered Home

No matter where we live there are influences, both good and bad, in our family’s lives. How do we create an environment that is more conducive to creating a faith centered home?

Faith is like a little seed. If it is given an enriching fertile seedbed, the seed will be able to sprout and with proper nurturing and love, will be able to “take root” and become something beautiful. Therefore, to grow a seed, there needs to be patience, protection, and consistent nurturing. Similarly, it works the same way in the lives of our children and their faith. If we see our role as parents, consistently working as the gardeners in our family to teach and nurture our children and their faith, we will see greater success in our homes as our children grow in spiritual strength and personal testimony.

Faith is like a seed. With proper nurturing and love, will be able to "take root" and become something beautiful.
Faith is like a seed. With proper nurturing and love, will be able to “take root”
and become something beautiful.

Parenting doesn’t come with an instruction manual, and the world is swirling with many confusing philosophies about how much of an influence we should be in our children’s lives. The Lord teaches us of the importance of parental teaching and influence in Proverbs 22:6. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” I love the promised blessing that comes if we strive to do what the Lord asks us to do. We can have faith that even if our children stray for a time, they have a foundation which will give them strength and guidance to help them come back to the truth.

Spiritual environment with prayer, scripture study, and love

Create a Faith Filled Spiritual Environment

The example of righteous parents and the atmosphere in a home have a great influence over their children. When taught with love and effort, their example can have a strong enough influence to even override peer pressure. It’s better to begin teaching when your children are young, but it is never too late to start. Make religion a way of life for your family, not just something you do one day a week.

Another way we can create a spiritual environment in our homes by choosing uplifting music and media. Similarly, decorating your home with pictures of Christ and other images that bring you peace and help you think of Him will also increase the positive and peaceful atmosphere and create a more faith centered home.

Make Family Scripture Study and Prayer a Priority

Take time to read your scriptures and pray as a family every day. Also, allow your children to see you reading and praying individually and as a family. Seek for an understanding of how to apply the scriptures in our lives. Even if you are only able to read a few verses, what is most important is learning how to see their application in our lives.

Teach your Children

Don’t expect them to learn everything they need to know from church classes. Devote your best efforts to teaching your children the Christ-centered messages of love, gratitude, service, kindness, and respect. As we strive to have effective gospel centered discussions in our homes, our youth will be infused with a spiritual protection from God to overcome the negative influences of the world.

Creating a faith centered home - teaching our children the importance of prayer, scripture reading, and faith.

Practice what you preach

None of us are perfect and make sure that we are not living a double standard. Make sure that you are living the life you are preaching to your children. Walk the Walk don’t just Talk the Talk. If it’s bad for them, you need to consider if it is also bad for you. A spiritual environment starts with us. 2 Corinthians 13:5 says, “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith.” A parent’s example has greater influence than their words. Keep the gospel and living a Christlike life central in your lives.

Don’t feel overwhelmed, pray for guidance

Satan will put thoughts in your head to try to dissuade you. Don’t listen. Just keep trying. Try to be a Christlike example. Your children are hearing more than you realize. Keep it simple. Reading a Bible Story and praying is a great place to start. Pray to know how to best teach and guide your family. Your faith centered home may look different from other families. It may look different than what you are putting pressure on yourself to do.

Have fun and spend time together

Make time to make memories and play together. There are so many stresses vying for your time. Strive for a healthy balance between them all and make time to play together. Take turns and let your children choose what they want to do for fun, within reason. Pray to know how to find the balance in your life.

As we strive to create a Christ-centered home filled with love, kindness, and understanding, amidst all of our imperfections and shortcomings, we will find that the blessings will outweigh the challenges and our homes will be more filled with love and faith. Keep praying and know I am praying for you too!

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